Wednesday, January 2, 2008

A New Year

The wreckage of 2007 has come to a close and I look with much hope and anticipation toward 2008. If I had to make a generalization about 2007, it would be this: I hit the reset button. I'm not sure if it was a by-product of Saturn Returns, but this year was one of immense change and destruction. It was a year of moving, changing jobs, and changing relationships. While it was in many respects a difficult year, I am grateful for it and think I am a much different (better?) person today than a year ago. I still have a lot to learn and I think this year will be another very transformational year. I think the thing that I am most looking forward to is completing my coursework for grad school this summer - mostly because I feel like I've been kept in a weird holding pattern.

The thing I think I'm most interested in this coming year is creating community - a community of thinkers, music/art/theater makers and dreamers. I've been inspired by a group in NYC, Transmissions (, and would love to start something like it out here in LA. If you're interested, please let me know.

Wishing everybody an amazing 2008!