Wednesday, December 12, 2007

What's your favorite?

My favorite pair of undies, originally uploaded by allriledup.

So, I was doing laundry in my building this week and was tickled when I saw this sign. My favorite part is the little drawing. I'm not sure if I like my favorite pair of underwear to put up a lost and found sign. So friends, I have two questions for you:

1) What does your favorite pair of underwear look like, and
2) Would you put up a lost and found sign if you lost them?

I'll start. My favorite undies are blue and white striped boxers. Although I love them, I don't love them dearly enough to put up a sign, just blog about them. Hope everyone is having a wonderful week!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

One down...

So, I'm officially done with my History of the Baroque Seminar. I blame my lack of blogging on it. So there. I can't even begin to tell you how relieved I am that it is over. This past quarter has been very intense and there were moments that I didn't think that I would make it through. I also came to terms with my amazing powers of procrastination and they are amazing (is there a 12-step group for procrastinators? PA?). Here is a short list of things that I did instead of working on my school projects:
1) Went to the gym (if you know me, you know that I was really trying to avoid writing)
2) Cleaned my house
3) Started blogging
4) Registered an internet domain (
5) Fantasized about being admitted to a psychiatric ward (as an excuse to avoid finals)
6) Spent countless hours talking to my friends about my projects
7) Napped
8) Watched TV
9) Upgraded my computer's operating system
10) Read Rosie O'Donnell's book Celebrity Detox

I only have one more final left - it is for my Church and Service Music class at USC. I've learned a lot from both of my classes this quarter/semester. I've also learned that I'm ready to do and very ready to be done with classes. There IS a light at the end of the tunnel.